domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

A lovely Year of Finishes

This is one of those posts that I have to write in English. Not only because the super nice girls hosting this event are English speakers but because it´s easier for the english speaking blogging community to understand what I´m saying.

My Button

Sometimes photos are not enough. Right?

For this month there are several things I need to finish but I am going to keep it real and so, here I go.

I want to, and I must finish my four blocks for La Tela Viajera. Cosiendo juntas por una causa. 
It´s a Quilting Bee I just set up with the help of my fellow members of La Tela Viajera -which is a fabric swapping group based on Facebook.

I took the idea from Rachel at Stitched In Color, and since there was nothing like this here in Spain, I thought it´d be a nice idea.

So following my own tutorial, found here, I want to do four blocks in Greens and Yellows. This is one of them.

My other bees will be doing them in Browns, Blues and Reds.

The final quilt, which I am going to finish up in November (that will be my next goal) will go to Caritas El Puig.

Thanks for stopping by!

2 comentarios:

  1. I think your block and tutorial for it will make a great charity quilt. Love it.

    1. Thank you Kris! It´s our first project! First of many, I hope!


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