sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Modern She Made

Este es un post lleno de fotos! El que avisa no es traidor.

This is a post full of photos! You've been warned!

Este intercambio se llama Modern She Made y puedes encontrarlo en Flickr. Me encantan los intercambios! El factor de azar y sorpresa que tienen me llenan de creatividad! Coser para alguien que no conoces e investigar sobre tu compañera para hacer algo unico, tiene un no se que que me atrapa! La consigna de este turno fue Hexies. Son adictivos! Y yo hice una Sewtogether bag. Puedes encontrar el patron aqui. Y si quieres mas fotos y mas ayuda, visita este link.

This Swap is called Modern She Made and we are on Flickr. I love swaps! They boost my creativity, having to sew for someone you dont know and stalking them! Hahaha. The theme was Hexies. And they are addictive! I made a Sewtogether Bag. You can find the pattern here. And if you want more photos and a little help visit this link.

Hecha con todo mi amor. Mis primeros hexagonos y mi primera Sewtogether Bag. Y viajo a Inglaterra!

Made with all my love. My first hexies and my first Sewtogether Bag. And off it went to England!

Nos vemos!
See you!

2 comentarios:

  1. What a fantastic bag! I could never make such a beautiful job of all those zips and pockets and I love the colours! The recipient should be very pleased.

  2. Someone very lucky will get this bag. You did a beautiful job with the sewing and quilting.


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