jueves, 1 de enero de 2015

ALYOF December Party!

I have neglected this blog for the most part of 2014. I apologise for that. One of my goals for 2015 will be to write at least two posts a month. Probably the ones related to ALYOF. ;)
So this post is actually the last one of 2014 and it goes to the Accomplishments in ALYOF

As usual, Thank You Melissa and Shana!

And the accomplished goals are

January: Pillows for mum
February: Doll Quilt Swap
September: Flickr
October: Flickr
November: Flickr

I hope to see you soon!

5 comentarios:

Me encantan tus comentarios! Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de dejarme unas líneas! Siempre respondo aquí, así que asegurate de volver de vez en cuando para que sigamos conociendonos mejor!