viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

Mini Quilt Swap:: El primero del año

Este block me encantó para probar. Se llama Migration block. Hay un tutorial gratuito que podés encontrar aquí.

This was a perfect To Try Block. It's called Migration Block and there's a free tutorial that you can find here.

La consigna era bien clara, Blanco, Negro y el color que eligiera tu compañera. La mía eligió Rojo. Y me puse manos a la obra. Es la primera vez que hago algo con unas reglas tan fijas y debo confesar que, si bien al principio tuve mis dudas, cuando vi el Mini Quilt acabado me costó despedirme de él. 

The rule was very clear. Black, White and a Pop colour chose by my partner. She chose Red. And I dove right into making it. It's the first time I work with such specific parameters and I must confess, that even if at the beginning I had my doubts about it, in the end it was hard to let it go.

Lo acolché con hilo de brodar de tres filamentos, a mano. Y el bies también esta cosido a mano.

I hanquilted it with a three count embroidery thread and handbinded it too. 

Esta de camino a California y espero que a Jan le guste.

It's on its way to California and I hope Jan likes it.

Ha sido un placer hacerlo. 
It's been a real pleasure.

Nos vemos!
See you soon!

4 comentarios:

  1. I love it Mariana :) I might have to try it myself one day :)

  2. I would have had a hard time parting with this too - it is amazing. I do love red :) Well done!

  3. Very nice! Here from GYB, and will be following.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  4. It's perfectly scrappy and bright. I love it.


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